Labrador breeder Niki and Erwin Doppelreiter, Styria, Austria (AT)
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Labrador of Styrian Watergirl. Breeder of Labradors in Austria / Styria. Copyright 2014 Niki and Erwin Doppelreiter.
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Disclaimer: Site notice: Site author and owner: Nicki and Erwin Doppelreiter, Filzmoos 37, 8673 Ratten. Tel.: +43 (0) 676/7806460 Mr. Erwin Doppelreiter E-mail: Internet: For direct or indirect references to extraneous internet sites, being beyond the responsibility of the webmaster, author and/or domain- owner, a claim of liability would solely become effective if the author has knowledge of the contents and if he would technically be able and reasonably be expected to change the utilization in case of illegal contains.
Filzmoos 37, 8673 Ratten, Austria (AT) How to find us:  Google Maps